Hartley house sale prep
My darling friend,
Your beautiful house is set to release you into a future full of new dreams and big plans. In order to maximise its potential sale price, I am suggesting the following ideas for changes that are designed to ignite a buyer’s imagination, whilst not setting fire to your wallet. You can take whatever you will from this plan - it is a moveable feast.
To be brutally honest, your house is suffering a bit from nest emptying. You’ve been fleeced. It happens and for good reason - we let our kids take more than their cherished presence, we let them take whatever they bloody want because without them living there anymore, you don’t really need the stuff they take.
But…. the result is that you’re left with a few gaps. We need to fill those so that the house resumes it’s cohesive family home flavour and evicts the sense of furniture and frills pillage.
I strongly suggest that we get the stylist on board asap - I look forward to meeting her and being as much a part of the process as you’d like me to be. I am at your disposal!
So let’s get started.
The Garden:
As Spring approaches, so will the lushness of a Cremorne garden return. If you had a mind, how about popping a few bulbs in the ground so that there is some colour? Maybe it’s too late for that, but I’d go to Honeysuckle nursery on Military Road and ask their advice on what you could plant now that would deliver joy in the coming months. We talked about seaside daisies…
The entrance to any house has a massive impact at first sight - so it’s super important that we dress this up a bit so that it can do some heavy buyer-luring lifting.